Robin Bennett seminar on Genetic Family History

Come learn about Genetic Family History: Past, Present & Future from UW GCGP's Program Director, Robin Bennett, on March 8, 2024, from 12:30-1:30 PM PT.
The language of the pedigree and family history is firmly rooted in medical genetics clinical and research practice. How has the art of recording family history evolved through the years? What are some of the ways that we can be more inclusive in our practice as it relates to the symbols and words we use to document family history? What are some of the outside factors that influence the information we record and what we document?
Robin's talk will explore the journey of family history as a clinical and research tool, and challenge attendees to consider how they can view family history through an anti-racist, inclusive, and equitable lens.
Join us in person at UW Health Sciences K-Wing 069 or on Zoom.
Learn more about the UW Medical Genetics Seminars here.